Bank of America in Arizona Turned Away Business With Firearms Manufacturer- Disputed!
Summary of eRumor:
This is a forwarded email that says a representative from Bank of America in Arizona told the Phoenix based McMillan Manufacturing company that the bank would no longer allow them to use their services because the company sells firearms and supports the second amendment.
The Truth:
Kelly McMillan, the Operations Officer of McMillan Manufacturing in Phoenix Arizona, said that during two meetings with bank executives he was told that his company’s business would no longer be welcomed by the Bank of America because his company manufactures firearms. This according to an April 27, 2012 article by Fox News, which also said that a Bank of America spokesperson denied the claim.
The article said that after meeting with the bank analysts that McMillan’s company “was not even offered an opportunity to restructure his debt or make some other deal, though his company has never missed a payment or bounced a check.”
The bank spokesperson to Fox News by email and said that “Bank of America holds in high regard every right guaranteed in the US Constitution and all it’s amendments, including the Second Amendment.”
updated 4/30/12