Visit and provide mammograms for needy women-Truth!

Visiting Can Help Provide Mammograms For Disadvantaged WomenTruth!

Summary of eRumor:
An email request says The Breast Cancer site is having trouble meeting their “quota” of donating a free mammogram each day to underprivileged women.  You are encouraged to visit the site and click a link that will help accomplish the goal.
The Truth:
This story is true.  The Breast Cancer site at was founded to fund mammograms for women who would otherwise not be able to afford them.  When you go to the site, you’ll find a prominent pink button that says, “FUND FREE MAMMOGRAMS…Click Here.”   When you do, you will see links to various corporate sites that are making donations in exchange for the visibility.  There is not a “quota” but there are goals that the site has from month to month of how many mammograms it would like to see donated.