President Bush Visited the Wounded After the Terrorist Attack at Ft. Hood-Truth!

President George W. Bush Visited the Wounded After the Terrorist Attack at Ft. Hood-Truth!

Summary of eRumor:
This eRumor gets a little confusing. It was written by a man who employed a woman whose husband was stationed at Fr. Hood in Texas. On November 5, 2009, the employer told his employee that there had been a shooting on the base. At the same time she got a text message from her husband’s phone saying he was OK. It turned out that the text message was not from him but from a nurse who used the husband’s phone to send what she hoped would have been a comforting message, but the nurse later called the wife and told her that her husband had actually been shot and was in surgery. The woman traveled to Texas to be with her husband and later sent a picture on her cell phone to her employer—a picture of her recuperating husband, of her—and two surprise visitors to his bedside—President George W. Bush and his wife, Laura.

The Truth:
The unexpected visit to Fort Hood by President George W. Bush and his wife, Laura, is true according to a Fox News exclusive report.

The November 5, 2009 attack at Fort Hood in Texas caused 13 deaths and 29 others were wounded.  U.S. Army Major Nidal Malik has been charged in the killings.

According to the Fox News report, the former President and his wife live 30 miles from the army base and paid the secret visit on the evening after the attack.  The article went on to say that the Bushes “spent ‘considerable time’ consoling those who were wounded in Thursday’s shooting spree.”
In April 2014 another version of this eRumor went viral showing the same photo.   This was shortly after there was a second attack on personnel at Fort Hood by a patient who was suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

Posted  11/18/09   Updated 04/16/14