Prayer Request From President Bush in China-Truth!

Prayer Request From President Bush in China-Truth! 

Summary of eRumor:

A message said to be from Lindsey Yeskoo, the wife of a U.S. Foreign Service Officer in Shanghai. She describes the visit of President George W. Bush to China, a speech he gave while there, and a personal encounter she had with him. She says she told him she was praying for him. He paused and gave her his prayer requests for the U.S. and himself.

The Truth: has confirmed that Paul Yeskoo is a Foreign Service Officer in Shanhai. According to a 2/2/02 article on the WORLD Magazine  website, Lindsey Yeskoo has confirmed that she wrote the email to her family  and that the content is accurate. She said she was very surprised to learn that her email has been so widely circulated. She has become what terms the “Unintentional Celebrities” of the Internet.

Mr. Bush’s’ trip to China was during October, 2001