Chicago Woman Buried Alive, Scream for Help-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
Viral reports allege that a funeral director plotted to murder his estranged wife by burying her alive, but she was saved when people heard her screams from beneath the earth and called for help.
The Truth:
This story is a hoax that was first reported by Daily Buzz Live, a website known for publishing fake news stories.
The story claims that a funeral director drugged his estranged wife and placed her inside a casket that was buried later that day. The story goes on to claim that she was saved after she regained consciousness and screamed for help.
Daily Buzz Live’s disclaimer says that some of its stories are inspired by real news events and that “a few stories are complete works of fiction.” Despite that, readers still shared the story more than 124,400 times on Facebook.
Posted 10/21/14