Chuck Yeager Endorses Donald Trump for President-Incorrect Attribution!

Summary of eRumor:
Retired U.S. Air Force Gen. Chuck Yeager has publicly endorsed Donald Trump in an article headlined, “Donald Trump — Who He REALLY Is,” that has gone viral.
The Truth:
Chuck Yeager’s so-called endorsement of Donald Trump has been falsely attributed.
The article first appeared on Doug Johnson’s “Horse Sense” blog in July 2015. That version of the article didn’t list an author and was headlined, “With All the Criticism, What Do We Really Know About Trump’s Plan for America.” The article described “superficial” criticism of Trump for “speaking his mind” before outlining Trump’s 18-point plan for America.
The months popped up on additional blog sites in the months that followed, often with not author listed. The website was the first to attribute the article to Chuck Yeager, and a number of blog sites followed suit. The story made its way to social media, where a rep for Chuck Yeager shot down reports that he had endorsed Trump and asked them to take down a post claiming as much:
Chuck Yeager also tweeted that he does not publicly endorse candidates.