CNN Refrained From Reporting Atrocities about Saddam Hussein Until After the War in Iraq–Truth!
Summary of eRumor:
The eRumor is an article said to have been written by CNN’s Eason Jordan.
He concludes that it was right to remove Saddam Hussein from power.
He also confesses that there were atrocities that CNN knew about but did not report because it would have jeopardized the lives of people in Iraq including CNN staffers.
The Truth:
The article is true and was written by Jordan, who is the President of CNN.
He argues that it was a right decision for CNN to withhold some of the worst about Saddam Hussein’s regime because of the lives that were at stake.
His comments prompted controversy.
Critics said such self-censorship on the part of CNN was not only unprofessional but prevented some key facts about Saddam Hussein from being known during a time when they would have been a part of debate about going to war.
Last updated 4/15/03