Cold Stone Creamery Offers Discounts to Pregnant Women-Truth! & Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
Cold Stone Creamery offers a 50% discount to women who are visibly pregnant.
The Truth:
Some Cold Stone Creamery locations offer a discount to pregnant women, but not all of them do.
Rumors that Cold Stone Creamery offers discounts to pregnant women have been floating around mom blogs and discussions boards for years. Legend has it that the ice creamery gives a 50% discount to “visibly pregnant” women — but that’s not entirely true.
Like most franchise foodservice chains, individual Cold Stone Creamery locations are able to offer location-specific promotions and offers to their customers. An unknown number of franchise operators offer the discount to pregnant women, but not all of them. Cold Stone Creamery explained its policy in a Facebook post when the rumor went viral in December 2015:
Some customers have questioned how customers can know which locations offer the pregnancy discount and which do not. Turns out, there’s no definitive list. Your best option is to use this Cold Stone Store locator to directly contact the store closest to you.