Congressional Candidate Uses “Make America White Again” Billboard-Truth!
Summary of eRumor:
Rick Tyler, a candidate Tennessee’s 3rd District seat in the House of Representatives, has used a billboard reading, “Make America White Again” in his campaign.
The Truth:
Reports of the congressional candidate’s “Make America White Again” appearing on billboard along Highway 411 in Tennessee are true.
Rick Tyler, who has identified himself as the owner of Whitewater Grill in Ocoee, Tennessee, explained his “Make America White Again” slogan in post on his campaign website under the header “The Billboard Strategy”:
With its towering and massive stature, the billboard sign is difficult to ignore and comes across as authoritative and influential. For these reasons we are confident that a widespread and creative billboard advertising game plan could go a long way toward making the Rick Tyler For Congress candidacy both viable and a force to be reckoned with. Clearly we are in uncharted waters, in that there has never been a candidacy like this in modern political history. Of great significance, as well, is the reality of the Trump phenomenon and the manner in which he has loosened up the overall spectrum of political discourse.”
The post continued that the billboard would “cut to the very core and marrow” of what plagues us as a nation.”
After news of the billboard went viral, Rick Tyler, who is running as an independent candidate, said via Facebook that it was exactly the response he expected:
Be assured, the response that has been engendered by the billboard is precisely what was expected and hoped for. You see… this is not a mere publicity stunt, but rather a calculated maneuver to dispense hardcore truth while simultaneously doing an end run around the iron curtain of censorship.
Rick Tyler ran for one of Tennessee’s U.S. Senate seats in 2014 as an independent. He earned 5,759 votes, accounting for about 0.4 percent of the electorate, Ballotpedia reports.