President’s Brother-In-Law’s Job Saved By Economic Stimulus Check-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
This is a forwarded email about the Coach of Oregon State’s basketball team, Craig Robinson. Robinson is the brother of First Lady Michelle Obama. The email says that Robinson’s job was in jeopardy because of poor team performance until someone from the White House showed up with a $17 million economic stimulus check for the University.
The Truth:
A spokesperson for the athletic department at Oregon State University told that this is fiction and that Craig Robinson has been their most successful coach in men’s basketball in 20 years. He also told us that Robinson was never in danger of being fired.
Robinson is the brother of First Lady Michelle Obama and according to a March 2, 2010 ESPN Article his contract with the the University was recently extended to the 2015-2016 season.
updated 03/22/2010