Photo of Ferguson Police Office Wilson’s Eye Socket Injury-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
On the night of August 8, 2014, there was an incident in Ferguson, Mo. where an unarmed 18-year-old was shot by Police Officer Darren Wilson after an altercation. A photo that allegedly depicts facial injuries Wilson sustained in the altercation has gone viral on the Web.
The Truth:
The man in the photo is freestyle motocross rider Jim McNeil after an accident, according to an October 10, 2006, blog found on the Web. The photo was taken about five years before McNeil died in a practice exhibition in Texas.
Reports of Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson’s eye socket injury are true, according to an August 19, 2014, article by the New York Post.
The Post said Wilson was admitted to the emergency room for an “orbital blowout fracture to the eye socket,” which he received during his altercation with Michael Brown.
Posted 09/01/14
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