Fatal Roller Coaster Crash at Universal Studios-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
Social media posts claim that 16 or 17 people died in a roller coaster accident at Universal Studios of Orlando and offer readers a link to watch a video of the alleged crash.
The Truth:
There wasn’t a fatal roller coaster accident that killed 16 or 17 people (depending which version of the eRumor you received) at Universal Studios of Orlando.
This eRumor is a “clickjacking” scam that first surfaced in March 2014, the Orlando Sentinel reports.
Social media users who stumbled upon the post were encouraged to click on a link to a “graphic video” of the alleged fatal roller coaster accident at Universal Studios. But as part of the clickjacking scam, those viewers were redirected to an unrelated webpage.
Posted 10/13/14