Oral Sex Reduces the Risk of Breast Cancer-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
The story, which is on a CNN page, says that research has found that women who perform fellatio several times a week experience a significant improvement in the chances of escaping breast cancer.
The Truth:
This story is a hoax.
When you go to the web address that has circulated in the eRumor (http://hob.allens.com/cnn/), you get an explanation from a men identifying himself as Brandon Williamson, a student at North Carolina State University.
He says he wrote the phony CNN story as a joke and intended that it would be seen by only a few friends.
Within a few days, however, he found out that the page, which had been posted on the University’s website, had been visited more than a half-million times.
He got into trouble with the Associate Press (the original version had identified the article as from AP) and the university, so he’s altered the article to accomodate their concerns.
Last updated 10/30/03