Obama Administration Plans to Ban Fishing From U.S. Coastal and Inland Waters–Opinion!
Summary of eRumor:
This is a forwarded story that warns of an effort to conserve marine wildlife by the Obama Administration which could lead to a fishing ban from U.S. Costal and Inland waters.
The Truth:
This is an opinion article that was written by Robert Montgomery for ESPNOutdoors.com that sparked a lot of controversy. He began writing a series in October 2009 regarding the creation of an Interagency Ocean Policy task force which in his view could have an impact on recreational anglers. Click for article.
In a linked response, executive editor Steve Bowman said, “ESPNOutdoors.com inadvertently contributed to a flare-up Tuesday when we posted the latest article in a series of stories on President Barack Obama’s newly created Ocean Policy Task Force, a column written by Robert Montgomery, a conservation writer for BASS since 1985. Regrettably, we made several errors in the editing and presentation of this installment. Though our series has included numerous news stories on the topic, this was not one of them — it was an opinion piece, and should have been clearly labeled as commentary.
The Interagency Ocean Policy report is posted on the White House web site: Click for paper
Updated 03/11/10