Photos of Mass Weddings in Gaza Showing Hamas Playing Host to Pedophilia-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
These are forwarded photos along with an article that says adult men in Gaza are marrying child brides in mass weddings sponsored by Hamas.
The Truth:
The photos of the celebration are real but the description is incorrect according to an October 30, 2008 article in the New York Times. The article said that the brides were present, seated separately and wore black robes to cover their evening dresses.
In an August 4, 2009 exclusive, World Net Daily said that they were contacted by Ahmed Jarbour, the Hamas official in charge of the mass wedding in Gaza. Jarbour told them that the young girls photographed at the event were related to either the bride or groom and dressing up in gowns similar to the bride is a tradition.
Posted 08/13/10