President’s Campaign Bus Was Made In Canada at a Cost of $1,100,000-Truth! & Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
President Obama hit the campaign trail in August 2011 riding in a brand new fully equipped touring bus. Questions have been raised as to its cost and origin.
The Truth:
The Federal Government acquired two new buses that cost $1.1 Million each. The basic touring coaches were built in Canada but they were purchased from a dealer in Tennessee who specially modified them to accommodate the President or candidates under the protection of the Secret Service.
According to an August 17, 2011 article by the New York Post, President Obama is travelling in one of two Prevost VIP H3-45 buses that have been specially equipped by the U.S. Secret Service. This is the top of the line model by the Quebec based Canadian manufacturer and with the added dealer prep comes with a price tag of just cost over one million dollars each. The article said that although the basic buses were made in Canada, they were purchased from Hemphill Brothers Coach in Tennessee where custom upgrades and modifications were added to them for the President, “which accounted for about half the cost.”
The bus has been dubbed “Greyhound One” is equipped with couches and big screen televisions, high tech electronics for world wide teleconferences and communications. It is also “equipped to carry all the baggage a president needs — including the “football” that allows him to remotely control US nuclear weapons.”
The Secret Service told the NY Post that “the buses will be available to other protectees who travel by bus, which could include the 2012 GOP presidential nominee.”
updated 08/29/11