Hillary Clinton's Aide Has Family Ties To Muslim Brotherhood- Unproven!

Hillary Clinton’s Aide Has Family Ties To Muslim Brotherhood- Unproven!

Summary of eRumor:

Allegations spreading on the World Wide Web that Hillary Clinton’s aide and State Department Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin’s family has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.   The rumor alleges that Abedin’s mother and brother are both associated with the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Truth:

We have not found any evidence of this being true but we are continuing our investigation.  The State Department was contacted but declined to comment.

The source of the rumor came from an article written by Walid Shoebat, who claims to be a former Palestinian terrorist and a former  member of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Shobat claimed that Abedin’s mother, Saleha Abedin,  belongs “to the Brotherhood’s secret women’s division known as the Muslim Sisterhood or what is known as the International Women’s Organization.”  The article went on to say that her brother, Hassan, who is listed as a fellow of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, “partners with a number of Muslim Brotherhood members.”  Shoebat said that al-Qaeda associate, Omar Naseef and Muslim Brotherhood leader Sheikh Youssef Qaradawi are listed as Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies trustees.

Shoebat was interviewed on the subject by Frontpage on June 24, 2011, which resulted in a fury of opinions on Internet blogs and calls for Abedin to step down.

According to several bios posted on the Internet, Huma Abedin was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan and at the age of two moved with her family to Saudi Arabia.   She returned to the U.S. to study journalism and in 1996 began working as an intern in the White House for Hillary Clinton and eventually worked for her 2008 presidential campaign.   Abedin is the wife of former Congressman Anthony Weiner who stepped down from office in June 2011 after admitting to allegations of inappropriate behavior in a “sexting” scandal.

updated 6/29/11