Warning About Inflammatory Breast Cancer-Truth!

Warning About Inflammatory Breast Cancer-Truth!


Summary of eRumor:

There are various versions of this one but all warn about an aggressive form of breast cancer called inflammatory breast cancer or IBC.  Some of the messages also include a link to a video posted at the website of a Seattle television station.

The Truth:

Inflammatory breast cancer is real and this is one of those times when an eRumor might save lives by bringing attention to it.

This began circulating in June, 2006 and most of the forwarded emails included a link to a story about inflammatory breast cancer broadcast on KOMO-TV in Seattle, Washington in May, 2006.

Inflammatory breast cancer, according to the Mayo Clinic, is rare but spreads rapidly so early detection is important.  It is not characterized by the lumps that are associated with other kinds of breast cancer and which for many women are the only signs of cancer they look for.  The Mayo Clinic says it is believed that inflammatory breast cancer develops when cancer cells block the lymph vessels in the breast. The result is discoloration, swelling and warmth. The skin of the breast may also become ridged or pitted like the peeling of an orange. It is not detectable in a mammogram and is diagnosed through a biopsy.

Links about inflammatory breast cancer:

The Mayo Clinic

The Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research Foundation

The National Cancer InstituteUpdated 6/23/06