U.S. Soldiers in Iraq Sing the National Anthem in a Movie Theater-Truth!
Summary of eRumor:
The eRumor is identified as from a U.S. military chaplain in Iraq. He explains that the National Anthem is played before every film in a military theater while soldiers stand at attention. The chaplain describes an incident in Iraq when the National Anthem was playing before “Superman 3.” One-thousand soldiers were all standing at attention but the recording stopped. They all continued to stand at attention. The music started again, but stopped again. Then one of them started singing and the others joined in to complete the Anthem. The chaplain contrasts that response to what might have happened in a typical theater in the United States and comments, ” I wanted you to know what kind of Soldiers are serving you here.”
The Truth:
This story is true.
It’s from the pen of Army Reserve Chaplain Jim Higgins who, when he is not deployed, is Senior Pastor of McEachern Memorial United Methodist Church, located in Powder Springs, Georgia.
This event took place in May, 2007 while he was stationed at Camp Anaconda, which is a large U.S. base near Balad, one of the largest airbases in Iraq.
Updated 4/25/08