Jerry Jones: Dallas Cowboys Players Protesting National Anthem Will Be Benched-Truth!
Summary of eRumor:
Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said players who disrespect the flag by kneeling for the national anthem will be benched.
The Truth:
Jerry Jones indicated that Dallas Cowboys players who protest during the national anthem will be benched following the team’s game on October 8, 2017.
When asked about Vice President Mike Pence’s decision to leave an Indianapolis Colts games after players protested during the national anthem, Jerry Jones said via Fox News that the NFL could not tolerate players disrespecting the flag:
“I know this, we cannot … in the NFL in any way give the implication that we tolerate disrespecting the flag, We know that there is a serious debate in this country about those issues, but there is no question in my mind that the National Football League and the Dallas Cowboys are going to stand up for the flag. So we’re clear.”
“The league in mind should absolutely take the rules we’ve got on the books and make sure that we do not give the perception that we’re disrespecting the flag.”
Two weeks earlier, Jerry Jones grabbed headlines when he kneeled with Cowboys players before the national anthem was played but stood for the anthem. It should be noted that no Cowboys players have joined national anthem protests. On October 8th, Jones clarified his position on the matter:
“There is no room here if it comes between looking non-supportive of our players and of each other or creating the impression that you’re disrespecting the flag, we will be non-supportive of each other. We will not disrespect the flag.”
It should be noted, however, that a locker room speech about players kneeling during the national anthem has been misattributed to both Jerry Jones and Kansas City Chiefs owner Clark Hunt. The commentary, which was written by a Texas man named Richie Newberry, informs players that they’re actors on his stage and will play the role of patriotic heroes:
“You gentlemen are world class athletes, but you are also actors. You perform on a stage that is 100 yards long. Today, you play the role of a patriotic super hero. You will play this role well because you know that millions of children will be watching and looking at your example.” Then his inner fire started to shine through as he said quietly “but most of all I want you to remember, you are the actors, but this is MY stage and you will play the role I tell you to.”
So, while the locker room speech didn’t come from Jerry Jones, the Dallas Cowboys owner did