Jordan Kaylum: Facebook Donates $2 Per Like for Baby with Cancer-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
A social media user named Jordan Kaylum has posted that Facebook will donate $2 for every “like” a post about a baby with cancer receives.
The Truth:
Facebook does not donate money to causes based on the number of “likes” they receive — and Jordan Kaylum’s post about a baby with cancer is no exception.
The post first appeared on Facebook on August 20th. Within weeks, it had received nearly 200,000 likes and 61,000 comments from Facebook users who wanted to help a sick baby pictured in the post.
That photo doesn’t show a baby with cancer, however. It was taken from a 2012 video about a premature baby named Ward Miles that you can view here. Thankfully, Ward grew up to be a healthy little boy without any lasting medical complications.
And Jordan Kaylum’s Facebook page is filled with nothing but “sick children” posts that claim Facebook will donate money to their causes in exchange for likes and comments.
In reality, Facebook never donates money to a cause based on the number of times a post is shared or liked, according to the website Facecrooks:
People are exploiting these children by spreading their photos without the parents consent. Please do not share the photos – report them instead! Please share with your friends to raise awareness on this issue.
So, disregard this sick child hoax and all other ones that you see on social media.