Jay Leno or Dave Letterman Commentary On America-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
An article said to be written by comedian and Tonight Show host Jay Leno and reflecting his observation about America and Americans. Some versions say it’s Leno talking about George Bush. Newer versions say it’s from CBS’s “Late Show” host David Letterman.
The Truth:
This was not written by either of the late night hosts but by Craig R. Smith and published on WorldNetDaily.com at Thanksgiving, 2006. It does close with a quote from Leno that someone added and whoever forwarded this left out Craig Smith’s name and thought Leno must have penned it.
At the end is the Leno quote, “With hurricanes, tornados, fires out of control, mud slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up the country from one end to another, and with the threat of bird flu and terrorist attacks, “Are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance?” Leno said this on The Tonight Show 2005 after a lawsuit was filed to remove references to God from the Pledge of Allegiance.
Someone added Letterman’s name along the way.
updated 10/18/08