Football Player Michael Vick Attacked By Pitbull-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
News has gone viral on the Web that Michael Vice was attacked by a dog as he left Metlife Stadium. People are asking if karma has bit the New York Jets’ football player in the form of a stray pitbull.
The Truth:
Michael Vick was not attacked by a pitbull. The source for this eRumor was a satire website called “TheNewNerd.”
At the bottom of the page, a disclaimer was found:

In 2007, Vick was arrested on drug charges, and while investigators were serving a search warrant on his property they discovered evidence of a dog fighting operation. Animal Control officers removed 66 dogs from Vick’s property, 55 of them were pitbulls. On August 27, 2007, Vick pleaded guilty and served a total of 19 months in prison, plus 2 additional months under house arrest.
Posted 04/17/14