Mike Pence: People with Pre-Existing Conditions Need Jesus Care-Fiction!

Summary of eRumor:
Vice President Mike Pence said people with pre-existing conditions need more “Jesus Care” and that health problems would “just go away” if people went to church.
The Truth:
Vice President Mike Pence didn’t say people with pre-existing conditions need more Jesus Care. That fake quote appeared on Facebook shortly after House Republicans approved the American Health Care Act (AHCA) in May 2017.
Fox News the FB Page, a website and Facebook page that is not affiliated with Fox News in any way, started the rumor with a May 4th post containing a fake Mike Pence quote in defense of “Trumpcare,” or AHCA:
Within days, the post had been shared more than 23,000 times. Many who commented on and shared the post were unaware that Fox News the FB Page regularly posts fake news, and that it’s in no way connected to Fox News. Mike Pence has regularly defended AHCA, but he never said that Americans need more “Jesus Care.”