The Russian Boy and the Babe in the Manger-Unproven!
Summary of eRumor:
An inspirational story about orphans in Russia who heard the Christmas story for the first time from two Americans who were guest teachers. The children were given a Christmas craft project to make a manger from small pieces of cardboard then the baby Jesus from a piece of felt. One little boy had two babies in the manger. He said one of them was Jesus and the other was he. When asked, the boy related his own version of the Christmas story which included Jesus inviting him to stay in the manger too since he didn’t have a family. He also said it was his gift to the baby Jesus, to be with him in the manger and help keep in warm.
The Truth:
We have not found the source for this story. It is true that after the fall of Communism, the Russian government welcomed many American Christians to be guest teachers in Russian schools and to help restore a respect for morals and ethics.