923 Executive Orders Enacted by President Obama-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
This is a forwarded email that says President Obama has signed into law more Executive Orders than any other President, 923 in total.
The Truth:
This is Fiction. According to the National Archives web site, President Obama, as of August 2012, has signed 135 Executive Orders since he began his term in 2009.
The eRumor was also incorrect about the numbering of the Presidential Executive Orders. President Obama’s Executive Orders began at 134898 and the eRumor show numbers in the 10,000 and 11,000 range.
The writer of this eRumor was incorrect about the Executive Orders signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It stated none but the National Arcives web site reported FDR signed a total of 3,728 Executive Orders.
Updated 10/1/12