Sarah Palin NRA Poster Girl?-Fiction!

Sarah Palin Bikini Clad And Gun Toting- Fiction!

Summary of eRumor:
Photo of Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin in an American flag styled bikini posing by a pool holding a rifle.
The Truth:
Governor Pailin does have a lifetime membership in the National Rifle Association an organization that promotes firearms and hunting safety but she did not pose for this picture.
This is a computer generated manipulation of two different photos.  The first image is that of a young lady named Elizabeth and a second image is GOP Vice Presidential candidate Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska.  Someone painstakingly took the time and effort to copy and paste Governor Sarah Palin’s face on the bikini clad gun toting Elizabeth on it using a “Photoshop” type program.
The “weapon” in Elizabeth’s hands is a Daisy Powerline Series 800 model 856 air rifle that shoots pellets.
We have found the originals on a popular photo sharing site:


updated 09/04/08