Photo Shows a Giant Hawaiian Cane Spider-Fiction!

Photo Shows a Giant Hawaiian Cane Spider-Fiction!

Summary of eRumor: 
A photo of a “giant” Hawaiian cane spider climbing the side of a house has gone viral.
The Truth:
This one is a hoax.
A doctored photo that supposedly shows a six-foot wide Hawaiian cane spider climbing the side of a house appeared on a Facebook page with the message:

This morning I heard something climbing around on the outside of my townhouse. I thought maybe it was the maintenance people repairing the Hardiplank siding, but when I got outside I saw this giant spider! The very rare Giant Hawaiian Cane Spider can grow up to six feet across. They are ‘mostly harmless’ but scary as hell.

Within days, the post had been shared nearly 200,000 times. The Facebook user who posted the photo egged on speculation by commenting that the spider had laid an egg sac on his house and that it would be razed because the insurance company had deemed it a “total loss.”
The photo actually shows a (normal sized) wolf spider that was taken in Florida. Click here to read a previous report on it.
In realty, Hawaiian cane spiders grow to be 3-4 inches across, so there’s no way that the photo shows a six foot cane spider on a house, as the eRumor claims. And even though they look scary, cane spiders prey on insects and prefer flight over fight when confronted by humans.