President Obama Evicted from DC Mansion-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
President Obama has been evicted from his Washington, D.C., mansion for violating a major clause in the lease.
The Truth:
A website known for publishing “facts that don’t necessarily exist” is behind false reports that President Obama was evicted from his DC mansion for violating terms of the lease.
The story appeared at the Last Line of Defense website under the headline, “Obama Evicted From His DC Mansion For Breaking One Major Clause In His Lease.” The story, which was shared more than 12 million times on social media, begins;
Former president and Kenyan traitor Barack Obama and his family have been evicted from the Washington DC mansion they leased to stay close enough to the Trump administration to interfere. The mansion, a 200-year-old historical landmark on the outskirts of town, was costing the taxpayers $20K per month.
Jules Vernon, the man who owns the home and held the lease, told reporters from the local Fox news affiliate:
“I appreciate that he was the president and thank him for his service and all, but that house is a historical landmark and we demand that our renters keep it in pristine condition. That guy and his family not only put holes in the walls to hang pictures, causing tens of thousands of dollars in damage to the original plaster, he refused to smoke outside. The smell of cigarettes in the house was the last straw. It’s inexcusable.”
The story was widely circulated and mistaken for a factual news story on social media. However, Last Line of Defense’s disclaimer makes clear that it’s not a credible source for news:
DISCLAIMER: The Resistance may include information from sources that may or may not be reliable and facts that don’t necessarily exist. All articles should be considered satirical and any and all quotes attributed to actual people complete and total baloney. Pictures that represent actual people should be considered altered and not in any way real.
Give the site’s lack of credibility, we’re calling this one “fiction.”