President Obama Greeted a Gay Rights Activist with a Kiss-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
A photo shows President Obama greeting a gay rights activist with a kiss on the lips.
The Truth:
President Obama wasn’t photographed kissing.
A meme appearing on social media sites supposedly shows Obama greeting a male gay rights activist with a kiss on the lips with the caption:
Big Daddy O wants this picture removed from the Internet. Share the hell out of it!!!!
The image was doctored to make it look like Obama was kissing a man on the lips. Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey were added to the background of the photo for dramatic effect, too.
The real photo, which was taken by a Getty Images photographer, captured Barack and Michelle Obama sharing a kiss after he won the 2008 presidential election. The photo was taken after the president’s victory speech in Chicago’s Grant Park on November 4, 2008.
Oddly, this isn’t the first time that a doctored photo (allegedly) showing Obama kissing a man on the lips has gone viral, either. Doctored photos that (don’t) show Obama kissing former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Chinese President Jiang Zemin have also made the rounds online.
Again, all of these images have been photoshopped.