Good news from a soldier in Iraq-Truth!

Letter from an American Soldier in Iraq with Good News-Truth!



Summary of eRumor:

This widely circulated email goes beyond the headlines from Iraq and talks about some of the successes from the standpoint of a soldier with an engineering division.

The Truth:

This email started circulating after the cessation of hostilities in Iraq in 2003 and during a time of criticism of the U.S. handling of the aftermath of the war against Iraq.
While we cannot vouch for all of the details in the letter, we have confirmed that it is authentic.
It is not a hoax.
We contacted Major Rydbom’s wife who verified that her husband and the letter are real.
She cautioned that there are some versions of the letter circulating that have been altered from the original and include commentary that was not from her husband.

Last updated 7/26/03