“The Story of Stanley Praimnath Who Was Just a Few Feet From Where the Hijacked Plane Hit Tower Two-Truth!
Summary of eRumor:
The survival story of Stanley Praimnath..
The Truth:
We have confirmed this with Mr. Praimnath’s church and the headquarters of his denomination, which did a story on him. Also, one of our staff happened to catch a television interview with him.
One note…as a matter of integrity, we do not edit the eRumors when we post them, such as below. This version of this eRumor, however, quotes Mr. :Praimnath as saying that he saw American Airlines flight number 11 headed for his building, which is incorrect. He was in tower two, which was struck by a United Airlines plane. We checked the original of this story, however, which was published by the Assemblies of God News Service. It correctly identified the plane as being a United flight.