Why the LA Times Stopped Carrying Dixon Diaz Comics-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
Blog posts claim that the LA Times stopped carry comics by Dixon Diaz because he was critical of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party.
The Truth:
Dixon Diaz isn’t a cartoonist, and his work has never appeared in the LA Times.
Those rumors surfaced on blog sites in mid-2015. Various posts claimed, “This is why the LA Times stopped carrying Dixon Diaz,” with images of cartoon comic strips that were critical of Hillary Clinton and Liberal causes in general:
Dixon Diaz wasn’t the original creator of those comic strips. Cartoonist Aaron McGruder created the comic, “The Boondocks.” It was adapted into a show that appeared on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim, the LA Times reports.
A side-by-side comparison shows that Dixon Diaz, a controversial right-wing blogger, removed text from Aaron McGruder’s original comic strips and added his own anti-Hillary and anti-Liberal messages to them. McGruder’s original comic ran on June 7, 2013:
That’s likely why “with apologies to Aaron McGruder” appears in the top right corner of each comic strip.
Given that Dixon Diaz wasn’t the creator of the original comic strips, and he likely didn’t have permission to use McGruder’s artwork, the comics never appeared in the LA Times. That’s why we’re calling this one fiction.