2 Georgia Police Officers Have Killed 250 People-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
There are reports among social media communities that two cops from Georgia have killed 250 people in the line of duty.
The Truth:
Reports that two cops from Georgia have killed 250 people in the line of duty appear to stem from a joke that went over the heads of many.
The rumor started with a post that appeared on the “Cop-Block” Facebook community page. The group bills itself as being against police corruption and violent tactics.
Someone posted a picture of two (fictional) cops that appear in A&E’s “The Walking Dead” show about a zombie apocalypse. The post claims that the two cops had killed 250 people in the line of duty:
THIS IS HUGE!!! Why isn’t the mainstream media covering this? This is real brutality! When is the violence going to stop, people? These two officers in Georgia have killed over 250 people in the line of duty. They were best friends in high school and entered the police academy together only to fuel a more sinister and sexually devious lifestyle than anyone could predict…
That, of course, follows the story of Shane and Rick, two cops from “The Walking Dead” who are pictured in the photo. The two started out as best friends but morphed into mortal enemies as the zombie apocalypse progressed.
Some people missed the joke, and others were upset that someone had made light of police brutality. Either way, this one is fiction.