Baker Company photo tribute to 9-11-Truth!

Baker Company Tribute to 9/11 from Iraq-Truth!

Summary of eRumor:
This one is a picture that shows Marines in a formation that spells the message “9-11, WE REMEMBER” when taken from the air.
The Truth:
According to an article in The Herald of Rock Hill, South Carolina, this picture was taken September 11, 2003, the second anniversary of the Attack on America.
It is a group of Baker Company Marines who were still in Iraq on that date.
One of them, 1st. Lt. Andrew Shoemaker, wrote to his father, “”It is in remembrance of those that gave the ultimate sacrifice on September 11, and the reason that no matter how long we are here, we will continue to push and never forget why we serve,””It is in remembrance of those that gave the ultimate sacrifice on September 11, and the reason that no matter how long we are here, we will continue to push and never forget why we serve.”