Bill Clinton’s Love Child, Danney Williams, Found Dead-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
A man named Danney Williams who’s rumored to be Bill Clinton’s love child was found dead under suspicious circumstances.
The Truth:
A self-described fake news website is behind false reports that Bill Clinton’s love child was found dead under suspicious circumstances.
The story appeared at Last Line of Defense in May 2017 under the headline, “Bill Clinton Love Child Danney Williams Found Dead–Cause Of Death Is…Suspicious.” The report begins:
Danney Williams, the 1990’s child of Bill Clinton and a black prostitute, was found dead in his garage this morning of what looks like suicide. Williams was in his car with the windows open in a closed garage. The car had apparently run out of gas as the coroner says he was dead for weeks before he was discovered.
The local sheriff has ruled the case a suicide after finding no signs of foul play or forced entry. A typed suicide note was found at the scene that just said, “Tell my mom I’m sorry.” That note, which had no fingerprints on it whatsoever, was the one thing the sheriff did say that made the case a little bit suspicious.
DNA testing seemed to confirm that Danney Williams was not Bill Clinton’s biological son, the report continued, but additional testing would be done now that Williams had died.
The story was widely circulated on social media, and, taken out of context, many believed that the report was true. But Last Line of Defense states in its disclaimer that its stories should be considered satirical:
DISCLAIMER: The Resistance may include information from sources that may or may not be reliable and facts that don’t necessarily exist. All articles should be considered satirical and any and all quotes attributed to actual people complete and total baloney. Pictures that represent actual people should be considered altered and not in any way real.
And, like false reports of Danney Williams death, reports that Williams is Bill Clinton’s “love child” have also proven false. The rumors were started in Little Rock in the 1980s by a local agitator named Robert “Say” McIntosh, who was known for attacking local politicians. Williams’ passing resemblance to Bill Clinton was enough to keep the rumor afloat for years, with Williams and his mother insisting that Clinton was Williams’ father:
That changed in 1999 when DNA testing confirmed that Clinton was not Williams’ father. We previously investigated the claim that Bill Clinton is Danney Williams’ father and found them to be false. Our full report can be found here.