The Heroic Actions of Marine Lt. Brian Chontosh in Iraq–Truth!
Summary of eRumor:
The message says not much was in the news about it, but a Marine named Brian Chontosh fought to protect his men in Iraq by directly attacking them until he ran out of ammunition and that he killed 20 enemy soldiers in the process. He was presented the Navy Cross as a result.
The Truth:
We don’t know how accurate this particular details account are, but we have confirmed that Brian Chontosh is real, that he did receive the Navy’s second-highest award, the Navy Cross, that he did fight until running out of ammunition, and that he did kill 20 enemy combatants.
Despite the cynical claim of the eRumor that it was not in the media, it was reported nationally by the Associated Press and by local media, including television, in Lt. Chontosh’s home territory of upstate New York.
The story circulating in this email is from journalist and broadcaster Bob Lonsberry from Rochester, New York.
Last updated 5/11/04