Pawnstars Chumlee Dead-Fiction!

Pawnstars Chumlee Dead-Fiction!

Summary of eRumor:

Social media is abuzz with the news that Pawnstars Chumlee is dead after an apparent heart attack.

The Truth:

“Austin ‘Chumlee’ Russell, our favorite dude on the History channel hit TV show ‘Pawn Stars,’ is actually alive and well, he wants everyone to know.”  This according to a March 13, 2014 article in the Kansas City Star.

The source for this whopper originated from a prankster site called eBuzzd, whose about page said,” eBuzzd is not a site about hoaxes, rather the eBuzzd site is itself a hoax.” 

This is not the first time Russell has been spoofed.  In May 2014 a rumor went viral that alleged Chumlee had died from a marijuana overdose.  

Posted 03/13/14