The Cliff Diver and Great White Shark-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
Just when he thought it was safe to go into the water, a cliff diver in Australia leapt into the water to encounter a great white shark. A video camera recorded the incident and he posted his encounter on YouTube.
The Truth:
The video is a fake, according to a June 13, 2014, article by The article said that it contained footage from a shark encounter at Newport Beach, Australia, which was posted on YouTube on June 11, 2014, by Scott Mitchell.
Click Image to view video by Scott Mitchell
The man in the video is Terry Tufferson, who donned a head-mounted camera and jumped from a cliff at Collins Beach, near Sydney. He later edited the video from his camera, inserted Mitchell’s shark encounter and posted it on the Web. Tufferson’s YouTube video has received over 18 million views.
Posted 06/16/14