Five-year-old Faith Hoemspine has cancer and wants all the greeting cards she can get-Fiction!

Five-Year-Old Faith Hoemspine has Cancer and Wants All the Greeting Cards She can Get-Fiction!

Summary of eRumor:

Faith Hoemspine is a 5-year-old who is fighting a losing battle with cancer.  She’s in the Shriner’s hospital in Cincinnati and wants to receive the most get well cards anyone has ever received.

The Truth:

This eRumor has several variations and all of them are wrong.

Most of the eRumors list her name as Faith Hoemspine.  The actual spelling of her name is Hoenstine.

Some of the eRumors say she is 5-years-old.  Some say she is 9-years-old.  She was actually a 15-year-old high school student when her medical crisis began in May of 2000.

The eRumors say she had cancer, but she’s never suffered from cancer.  She has become one of few people who has survived a kind of bacterial infection that resulted in the amputation of both of her legs at the knees, her left arm above the elbow, her fingers and most of her thumb on her right hand.  

The eRumors say she wants get well cards, Christmas cards, or business cards but she’s never made a request for any kind of cards.

The Shriners Burns Hospital in Cincinnati says Faith was treated there because her doctors wanted her to benefit from the hospital’s experience with skin grafts but that the large volume of phone calls and mail for Faith has been a drain on resources.  The Cincinnati Inquirer published an update on her condition in December of 2001 that said the family has gotten as many as 50,000 letters a month.  

Despite her ordeal, Faith is described as having a good attitude and pursuing her education.