Freddie Gray Had a Lengthy Arrest Record – Truth!
Summary of eRumor:
A viral email lists a lengthy arrest record for Freddie Gray, the man who died while in police custody in Baltimore.
The Truth:
These claims about Freddie Gray’s arrest record are true.
The list of Freddie Gray’s run-ins with police in Baltimore was compiled by the website Gray’s arrest record was then widely circulated in chain emails after his death sparked protests and riots that gained national attention.
Many of Freddie Gray’s previous arrests were for drug-related offenses, according to records kept by the Maryland Department of Justice. In the first four months of 2015, Gray had been arrested four times. Those arrests led to charges of possession of a controlled substance, burglary, assault and destruction of property.
Freddie Gray died shortly after his last arrest in Baltimore in April 2015. An autopsy revealed that he had broken vertebra. Widespread protests and riots broke out across Baltimore after police didn’t immediately reveal the cause of Freddie Gray’s death, or the reason for his arrest, the Baltimore Sun reports.
Police later said that Freddie Gray was arrested on a weapons charge after police found a switchblade knife in his pocket. The six officers involved in the arrest denied that force was used.
Freddie Gray had been in and out of prison since 2009. He had more than 20 different criminal cases brought against him in Maryland, according to state records.