Four Underage Girls Accuse Michael Moore of Sexual Harassment-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
Filmmaker Michael Moore has been accused of sexual harassment by four underage girls.
The Truth:
A website that describes is content as “satirical fiction” is behind false reports that Michael Moore was accused of sexual harassment.
The fabricated report appeared at under the headline, “BREAKING: Michael Moore Accused Of Sexual Harassment By 4 Underage Girls,” in October 2017.
The fabricated report, which quickly circulated on social media, quotes from a nonexistent Fox News report that supposedly claims that Moore made “multiple passes” at a 16-year-old girl while filming his documentary, “Bowling for Columbine,” and persisted despite multiple rejections.
As is often the case, many people only read the headline. Many more clicked through to read the article but didn’t read the website’s “About” blurb, which makes clear that it’s content shouldn’t be considered trustworthy.
Given high-profile sexual assault and sexual harassment accusations made against Hollywood executive Harvey Weinstein in October 2017, the false report about Michael Moore being accused of sexual harassment by four underage girls got lots of attention. But the story is nothing more than “satirical fiction.”