Obama Administration Orders U.S. Relief Forces In Haiti Not To Fly Flag-Truth!
Summary of eRumor:
This is a forwarded email that says that the Obama administration told U.S. relief forces responding to the Haiti earthquake not to fly the flag.
The Truth:
This eRumor caught wind after a commentary by a Chicago based freelance writer, Warner Todd Huston which was published on March 16, 2010. Click for commentary
Huston editorialized about a March 15, 2010 Navy Times/U.S.A Today article that reported there was a flap sparked by a controversial decision not to fly the national ensign at the U.S. compound in Haiti. Haitian Prime Minister, Jean-Max Bellerive, was present as a U.S. flag was raised at a temporary consular station on the airport tarmac and “thought it appeared as if the United States were taking over the airport.” The article also said, “Army Col. Billy Buckner, spokesman for Joint Task Force-Haiti, a group representing various Obama administration agency heads, said the decision not to fly the American flag was made out of respect as guests of the government of Haiti.” Click for article
On January 12, 2010, there was a 7.0 magnitude earthquake 16 miles west of Port-au-Prince, that devastated the Haitian capitol. The United States Coast Guard was among the first on the scene to asses the situation and suggest what resources would be needed in response to the disaster. Humanitarian response to the disaster was worldwide and the American response effort consisted of a joint task force of the USAID organization and branches of the U.S. Military. More than 12,000 U.S. military personnel are stationed in Haiti in support relief operations. Among them are operations specialists from the U.S. Air Force and air-traffic controllers from the Federal Aviation Administration and who are overseeing millions of dollars in aid coming into the disaster stricken area.
Updated 03/23/10