Video of Hoverboard and Christopher Lloyd-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
A YouTube video of actor Christopher Lloyd introducing the Hoverboard has gone viral on the Internet.
The Truth:
That is Back to the Future actor Christopher Lloyd who drove up in a DeLorean and presented a brand new Huvr board to professional skaters in the video but Lloyd later said that we have all been tricked. flimflammed and hoverduped. This according to a March 5, 2014 article by Cnet, which said, “the strange and still confounding online viral campaign promoting a working hoverboard was indeed a hoax.”
The article said that Lloyd posted an elaborate apology on the Funny or Die site saying that he was hoodwinked by the company who allegedly designed the hoverboard, HUVr, which was also a fake. In his apology, Lloyd said that his “brain must have erased the wires” and the special effect used to pull off the illusion.
Cnet reported that the original HUVr product video was posted on YouTube on March 3, 2014 about the same time, an impressive company Web site was posted on the Internet. The article said that the video drew a lot of attention on the Internet and was easy for “Internet sleuths” to spot evidence of special effects.
Posted 03/06/14