Hyland's Teething Tablets Recall-Previously Truth!  Now Ended!

Hyland’s Teething Tablets Recall-Previously Truth!  Now Ended!

Summary of eRumor:

Warnings have gone viral on the Web that Hyland’s teething tablets have been recalled.

The Truth:

There was a product recall back in 2010, but at the time or our investigation there is no cause for concern.

Hyland posted the following announcement on its website regarding a rumored products recall:

Updated: 6/20/2014
There is no current recall of Hyland’s Baby Teething Tablets. Hyland’s Baby Teething Tablets were re-introduced with a new formula in July 2011. Parents continue to safely use our quick-dissolving homeopathic tablets with young children to soothe pain, reduce inflammation and ease irritability associated with teething.

Posted 06/20/14