Forward an Email for Jasmine, Who Lost Her Father in The World Trade Center and Whose Mother Needs Surgery–Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
The message is allegedly from an 11-year-old named Jasmine whose father died in the collapse of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, and whose mother is hospitalized. She says her mother worked in the Trade Center but forgot to take her purse on September 11. Her father drove to the Trade Center to deliver the purse. He died. The mother survived, but needs surgery and if you forward her email, the Red Cross will donate ten cents per email for her medical care. She says her father’s name was James Thomas.
The Truth:
This is a hoax. Any emails that claim that anyone will receive compensation from a person or company who is tracking forwarded emails is a hoax. There is no such system being used on the Internet. Just for the record, there doesn’t seem to be a victim from the World Trade Center named James Thomas.