White House Press Secretary Jay Carney’s Soviet Propaganda Posters-Truth!
Summary of eRumor:
Criticism of White House Press Secretary Jay Carney has gone viral on the Web after a Washingtonian Mom Magazine article about his wife, Claire Shipman, showed a photo of their kitchen, with two Russian propaganda posters hanging on the wall.
The Truth:
The article in the forwarded email is real and appeared on the American Thinker website on April 12, 2014. The Washingtonian Mom article is also real and was found posted on its website.

Screen Shot from Washingtonian Mom article

Soviet propaganda posters in question
According to an April 11, 2012 article by Business Insider the Russian posters on the left was designed in the 1940’s and features a World War II female factory worker. The text says, “Women! Learn production, replace workers who went to the front! The stronger the hinterland – the stronger the front!” The poster on the right was designed by artist Dmitry Moor and showed a a soldier pointing his finger. The English translation of the Russian text says “Have YOU Enlisted?”
The Business Insider also said, “Carney and Shipman have a lot of history with Russia. They met in Moscow in the 1990s while he was writing for Time and she worked for CNN. Carney did not respond to a request for comment.”
Posted 04/15/14