Obama Nominated Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court as a Payback-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
Emails allege that President Obama nominated Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court as payback for denying cases that questioned the president’s citizenship while she clerked for the high court.
The Truth:
There were cases filed in the Supreme Court by “The Real Truth About Obama, Inc.” that were denied by then Solicitor General Elena Kagan, but these cases did not question President Obama’s eligibility as a natural born citizen.
This rumor stemmed from an article released by World Net Daily (WND) on August 4, 2010 that alleged that there were several cases questioning the President’s citizenship and that they were denied by Kagan. WND posted this statement on their site correcting the error:
“An earlier version of this story incorrectly described a series of cases for which Elena Kagan represented the government as eligibility cases. Those cases, in fact, were a series of unrelated disputes pending before the Supreme Court and the references have been removed from this report.”
updated 09/03/10