Maxine Waters: Pray for Muslims Following London Attacks-Fiction!

Maxine Waters: Pray for Muslims Following London Attacks-Fiction!

Summary of eRumor:
U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters of California called for prayers for the safety of Muslims in London following a terrorist attack there, saying that inaction on climate change and health care has pushed them toward violence.
The Truth:
A fake Twitter account is behind rumors that U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, a Democrat from California, called for prayers for Muslims in London following a terrorist attack there.
The tweet in question surfaced after a terrorist attack carried out by three men with a van and knives left seven people dead on a London bridge on June 3, 2017. In the fallout from the attack, a tweet that appeared to come from Maxine Waters’ official Twitter handle began circulating:

Maxine Waters Muslime Prayers
This tweet came from an imposter Twitter handle, not Maxine Waters’ official account.

The tweet sparked outrage that Maxine Waters didn’t call for prayers for the victims of the attack, and that Waters appeared to blame the attacks on America’s lack of action on climate change and health care. However, upon closer review, the tweet came from an imposter account, @MaxineVVaters, which is slightly different than the congresswoman’s official account, @MaxineWaters.
In reality, Maxine Waters called for prayers for those affected by the attacks, and their families, and voiced U.S. support of its allies in their fight against terrorism:
The fake twitter account, @MaxineVVaters, has been behind hoax tweets before. We previously investigated claims that Maxine Waters tweeted side-by-side photos of high and low tide as “proof” of climate change’s impact on California’s coastline.