KFC Using Genetically Engineered Chickens With No Feathers or Beaks-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
This is a forwarded email alleging that KFC (formerly known as Kentucky Fried Chicken) is trying to increase profits by developing genetically engineered chickens that have more meat, are cheaper to raise, and faster to process. They are variously described as having no heads, no beaks, no legs, and no feathers. That’s why they changed their name to KFC.
The Truth:
This one is a complete fabrication.
KFC denies it and there is no evidence of the genetically engineered chickens described. KFC uses chickens that are born from other chickens in the normal way. KFC did not change it’s name in order to accommodate chickens that are not really chickens.
The KFC Website has resources to all the ingredients in their food.
In early 2014 this debunked eRumor rose from the ashes and went viral once again on the World Wide Web thanks to an article posted on a website called DailyBuzzLive.
TruthOrFiction.com did some research on the site and found a link to a disclaimer page that was removed from the site saying that the site published satire.
Posted 4/2/03 Updated 03/02/14